Well I am back again. I want to try and continue with the topic of the future of Tradesman. Last time we spoke of the lack of training and today I spent some time with a former student that is seeking to grow in the trade. So many times there are so many choices, yet you may feel there are no choices. In reality the choice is up to you. If you are happy with the statuesque and do not want to continue Surging Foward in our lives, how can you expect to gain respect in the trade, make more money in the trade, be promoted in the trade, get that really cool task on the job site, or any other goal you want in life. The road to success is not always easy but it is not hard either. The opportunities are there but it requires that you step forward to take on the challenge. With that said a few things to keep in mind. You will fail, yes that it what I said you will fail at times, but you will also succeed. So many people are afraid to move forward because they may fail. If that was the case and you never continue to Surge Forward you would have never learned to ride a bike, How about even learning to walk, or play sports. Think about where you are in the trade you work at. Ever made a mistake? The real question is what did you learn from falling off the bike? What did you learn about not doing the task on the job the way it was explained. Maybe you wanted to do it your way. Maybe you should have asked one more question. Maybe you ask too many questions and need to do some research yourself. Boy I wish I had google when I was younger. I could have avoided a lot of mistakes. The point is we learn much more ( or we should be learning ) from our mistakes than when we get it right accidentally and deep down we have no idea how we got it done. Now the real question is what can you learn from others mistakes and also keep them Surging Forward.
Stay Safe and Keep Surging Forward
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