Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Thank you!!

Hello again fellow tradesman and others in the working class,
I wanted to start out this blog with  a great big Thank You to all of you that continue to keep working day in and day out. I don't think we hear that as much as we should. All of us spend 6 to 14 hours a day making money for someone else and never feel like we are getting anywhere. I want to assure you that you are. The job you do does make a difference in someone life which is not only your boss. The job you do makes a difference to anyone that is effected by the actual completion of whatever task you do. How you react to any given situation can and does make a difference to the community, you city, you state,and maybe even worldwide. we all struggle with the day to day grind one of the hardest things we deal with is the person on the job that never gives thanks to anyone. They are the ones that claim and act as if they know everything. That is what this weeks podcast episode is about the know it all. If you would like to continue to learn how you can make a difference and grow you career than this episode will bring you back to the basics. I would also encourage you to let me know the issues that effect you in  your daily walk. drop is a comment below of simply drop us an email at Tradesman@surgingforward.com
Listen to our new podcast episode on Handling the Know it all,  Go to Surging Forward Podcast on Itunes or go to Surgingforwardpodcast.com to download and listen. If you listen on ITunes, Stitcher or on Google Play, subscribe and you will recieve each episode automatically every Friday.I want also offer my thanks to you all for reading and listening. You can help me a lot by sharing on facebook or email to others who might enjoy. Please feel free to pass this post along and don't forget to like us on facebook. Until next time
Stay Safe and Keep Surging Forward

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